Being diagnosed with lipoedema is hugely distressing for many women. The fat distribution disorder causes abnormal build-ups of fat, particularly in the thighs and hips. As the condition is incurable, in the past, women with the disease were simply forced to live with the symptoms. Compression garments and lymph drainage alone cannot halt its progress. If the condition is not treated by a specialist to ease the stress on the affected areas, it can result in painfully swollen legs, knot-like formations in soft tissue and increasingly stretched skin – and further issues caused by these symptoms. Of course, early intervention is always beneficial, though treatment is advisable and can achieve improvements at any time.

In many cases, the psychological consequences are even more serious. The unsightly build-ups of fatty tissue have a negative impact on a woman’s body proportions and will not recede even with a healthy lifestyle. In this situation, from which there might appear to be no escape, the anguish and suffering can be enormous.
Surgical liposuction, however, enables us to eliminate the excess fatty tissue permanently. Today, liposuction to treat lipoedema is a routine procedure; here at the KOEBE KLINIK, we use it to achieve excellent aesthetic results to correct the symptoms of lipoedema. That assumes that, in treating this medically indicated and diagnosed condition, the procedure also adopts a clear aesthetic vision. Simply reducing the volume of excess, abnormal tissue can often deliver unsatisfactory results for the patient in aesthetic terms. In such instances, patients often remain unhappy – even though, in medical terms, the burden has been lifted. With this in mind, here at the KOEBE KLINIK, we make combining a functional procedure with aesthetic care and finesse our priority.
We usually perform the treatment on an outpatient basis under mild tumescent local anaesthesia. Firstly, Dr Hermann Koebe all loosens the excess fatty tissue with a numbing solution; he then carefully removes the fatty tissue using fine cannulas using a special technique that also protects the lymphatic pathways.
Here at the KOEBE KLINIK, liposuction is performed by our chief physician and lipoedema specialist, Dr Hermann Koebe. An accomplished liposuction practitioner, Dr Koebe also has many years of experience performing complex procedures in the field of lipoedema therapy. From the initial consultation through to aftercare, he will be available to you as your personal contact. If you are suffering from indentations or irregularities following liposuction that another practitioner has performed improperly or without due consideration of the aesthetics, Dr Koebe will of course make the necessary corrections. We would also strongly advise patients to undergo lipoedema treatment for aesthetic reasons. For patients who have been unable to achieve satisfactory results because other practitioners have only treated the functional aspects, we can perform corrective procedures with the utmost care and attention to achieve excellent results.
What exactly is lipoedema?
Lipoedema is a condition in which patients suffer from abnormal build-ups of fatty tissue. The condition almost exclusively affects women and is often mistaken for obesity. At present, it is believed that the condition has hormonal and genetic causes.
Lipoedema can affect different parts of the body. In almost all cases, however, it affects the upper thighs, waist and buttocks. As the condition progresses, fatty build-ups can also form on the calves and arms.
What methods exist to treat lipoedema?
In surgical lipoedema therapy at the KOEBE KLINIK, we permanently remove the mix of abnormal tissue. The special liposuction technique designed for the treatment of lipoedema provides immediate relief for the patient – their pain is instantly reduced. Relieving the pressure has a direct effect on dermal and subdermal tissues. This, in turn, prevents the tissue and the skin from becoming increasingly overstretched. One or two treatment sessions are usually sufficient.
Who could benefit from liposuction for lipoedema?
In principle, liposuction is basically suitable for all patients looking for surgical lipoedema treatment. We strongly advise seeking treatment at an early stage to achieve long-lasting, positive results. You must be in good health to undergo the operation.
Before the liposuction, Dr Hermann Koebe will perform a thorough preliminary examination and ask about your prior medical history. If there are elevated surgical risks, he will discuss potential alternatives with you.
What exactly does lipoedema treatment involve?
At the KOEBE KLINIK, Dr Hermann Koebe personally performs all lipoedema treatment. He will firstly hold a preliminary consultation to discuss every aspect of the treatment with you. Then, he will work with you to determine the exact treatment plan.
At our clinic, we generally perform liposuction on an outpatient basis. Of course, if you would prefer, we would be happy to arrange post-operative care in the form of an inpatient stay at the KOEBE KLINIK.
Depending on the area to be treated, the procedure may be performed under local or general anaesthetic. We will decide this for your individual case in a detailed discussion at the KOEBE KLINIK.
The operation starts with the injection of a numbing solution. This relaxes the fatty tissue to be removed, in particular the mixed lymphatic and fitty tissue. Dr Hermann Koebe then uses a special technique to remove the fatty tissue with fine cannulas. This is the only way to protect the lymphatic ducts, which serve an important drainage function. All of these steps require the surgeon to have a high degree of understanding of both anatomy and lipoedema. After the operation, we will provide you with special compression garments.
You will be able to leave the clinic again the same day. An overnight inpatient stay could be advisable under some circumstances following procedures under general anaesthetic. Fundamentally, however, if you would prefer to receive post-operative care, we can always accommodate an inpatient stay upon request.
What do I need to consider after a lipoedema treatment?
After liposuction, you should rest for several days. You will be able to resume light office activities after 2 days. We recommend making sure you wear the prescribed compression garments at all times and attending all check-ups. Professional lymph drainage can support positive results and accelerate the healing process.
Dr Koebe will personally provide you with further aftercare instructions.
When will I be able to socialise and exercise again after the treatment?
Our patients are usually fully presentable and ready to socialise just a few days after liposuction. After around a week, you will be able to resume light physical activities. You should wait at least two to four weeks before exercising again.
Can the symptoms of lipoedema reoccur after treatment?
Lipoedema is a chronic, incurable condition. It is therefore possible that abnormal fat build-ups will develop again after liposuction. In this case, we can repeat the liposuction treatment at a later date.
For many of our patients, however, a single treatment is sufficient.
Are there risks associated with treating lipoedema with liposuction?
Just like any surgical procedure, liposuction entails a general surgical risk. When performed properly, however, the risk of complications is low. Today, liposuction is considered a routine procedure in aesthetic and plastic surgery and carries a low risk of complications.
It is also important to remember that indentations and unevenness may lead to unsatisfactory aesthetic results – and, therefore, prolonged psychological distress. With this in mind, we strongly advise patients to view the procedure not only in functional terms but also to strive for cosmetically appealing and even results.
At the KOEBE KLINIK, our chief physician and aesthetic-plastic surgeon, Dr Hermann Koebe, personally performs all treatment procedures. He will explain the potential risks and side-effects in detail prior to the procedure.
Are financing solutions available lipoedema treatment?
At our clinic, we offer our patients a fair financing model. Our transparent, proven financing solutions mean you can fulfil your wish for lipoedema treatment without having to wait.
- Senior physician treatment: At the KOEBE KLINIK, lipoedema treatments are exclusively performed by our specialist, Dr Hermann Koebe. Dr Koebe will also personally care for you throughout your treatment and is available for you to contact at any time.
- Greatest specialist expertise: Dr Hermann Koebe is very knowledgeable and has many years of experience in the field of liposuction, especially in relation to surgical lipoedema treatment.
- Central location: The KOEBE KLINIK is situated just a few minutes from Düsseldorf city centre. Here in Meerbusch, our medical team awaits you in a discreet location; our clinic also offers private parking spaces in our courtyard.
- Lipoedema specialists with an aesthetic focus: We remove abnormal lymphatic and adipose tissue taking both functional aspects (protecting lymphatic ducts) and the highest cosmetic standards (harmonious silhouette, even skin texture) into account.

Niederlöricker Str. 33
40667 Meerbusch
near Düsseldorf
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Opening hours
Monday to Friday 9.00 am - 6.00 pm
We are available to you 24/7!